How do I get money for case expenses?

by Nick Youngson link to –

How Do I Ask for Monies?

For all litigation expenses, attorneys can submit an Litigation Expense Form prior to obtaining services. All expense requests must be approved by our office before any work is performed. MSPD will pay for such services upon attorney submission of an attorney-reviewed and approved invoice. Expense requests submitted after services are rendered will be denied.

The Missouri State Public Defender (MSPD) cannot pay for services or expenses in advance and MSPD does not pay for routine office expenses.

What Kind of Litigation Expenses Does MSPD Cover?

How Do I Know if My Client Needs a Mental Health Evaluation?

The MSPD Guide to Mental Health Evaluations should be helpful in deciding:

  • Whether to have a mental health expert evaluate a client for competency to proceed to trial as described in Section 552.020 RSMo
  • Whether to have a competent client evaluated by an expert regarding responsibility for the alleged offense as described in Section 552.030 RSMo (Mental Disease or Defect Excluding Responsibility, a/k/a Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity–NGRI), or Diminished Capacity as described in Section 552.015.2(8) RSMo
  • How to determine what type of evaluation is needed and whether to rely on a private mental health expert, or an expert appointed by the court or the director of the Department of Mental Health as described in Sections 552.020 and/or 552.030

If you prefer a private mental health expert, then a Litigation Expense Request Form must be submitted and approved before an expert can be retained. To discuss the case and your options, feel free to contact Case Contracting.

Billing & Invoices

Service providers (such as court reporters, experts, etc.) should prepare an itemized invoice billed to “Missouri State Public Defender c/o Case Contracting” and should send the invoice to the panel attorney. In addition to the total amount due, invoices must reflect rates charged (e.g., rate per page for court reporters).

The panel attorney should review the invoice to be sure the charges listed reflect those authorized. If the attorney approves of the charges, the attorney should immediately forward the invoice to Case Contracting. MSPD will pay the service provider directly.  Note two-year limitation on claims: Under RSMo 33.120, the State of Missouri cannot reimburse claims submitted two years or more after the date such claims accrued.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Always inform service providers that the service to be performed is on behalf of an indigent client. There may be discounts offered or benefits provided for MSPD clients. For example, offices of the State must provide documents concerning a person represented by the State Public Defender to the public defender without charge. See RSMo 600.096.