Private Attorney Request for Litigation Expenses
Private attorneys can request that the Missouri State Public Defender (MSPD) cover some reasonable litigation expenses for indigent criminal defendants where private counsel undertakes representation either as pro bono counsel or as retained counsel in certain limited situations as provided for in 18 CSR 10-4.010.
Follow these steps to see if your criminal defendant client’s litigation expenses are eligible for payment by MSPD:
1. Complete a Private Attorney Request for Litigation Expenses form (“PARLE” form, link below) and have the client complete a Client Application for Services (link below) and return both forms to:;
2. If your PARLE is approved, you will receive instructions for submitting a Litigation Expense Request
Requested litigation expenses must be approved by MSPD before the expense is incurred. Additionally, MSPD will pay the service provider directly after counsel reviews the provider’s invoice for accuracy and submits it to MSPD for payment. Counsel should not pay the invoice themselves.
Click the following links for forms:
Private Attorney Request for Litigation Expenses (.docx)
Client Application for Services (.pdf)
Client Application in Spanish (.pdf)
More Information
If you have questions, email MSPD Case Contracting at: