
Internet User Privacy Policy

Thank you for your interest in the Missouri State Public Defender website and our privacy policy. This notice addresses collection, use and security of, and access to information that may be obtained through use of our website.


Our tracking system does NOT record information about specific individuals. While you browse the website, our operating system will automatically record the following information:

  • The name of the domain from which you accessed our website. For example, if you connect from an America Online account, we will know that someone visited this website using AOL as an Internet service provider. We will not know the individual e-mail address of the user.
  • The date and time any page on our site was accessed.
  • The address (the URL) of the website from which any page on this site was linked, but not the individual identity of the user.
  • The type of browser being used, such as “Netscape Version X.X” or “Internet Explorer Version X.X.”
  • The type of operating system used, such as Macintosh, Unix, or Windows.


We do NOT currently use cookies on any portion of this site. (A cookie is a small text file that a website transfers to the hard drive of your computer, usually to keep track of you while you are connected to that site. It can only be accessed by the web site that set the cookie.)


If you send us e-mail, the message will usually contain your return address. If you include personal information in your e-mail, we may use that information in responding to your request. E-mail is not necessarily secure or confidential. Send only the information necessary to your request.

Links to Other Sites

Our site provides links to other websites. The privacy policies described here do NOT necessarily apply to any external sites. Read the policy statement of any site you visit.

For More Information

If you have any questions or comments about our online privacy policy, contact